When you are looking for same day delivery service in Wolverhampton or haulage services in Birmingham, or vice versa, get in contact with a company that can not only meet your needs, but exceed them. Get in touch with LP Transport!
read moreAt LP Transport we pride ourselves on providing a wide range of services that not only meets to our customers needs, but exceeds their expectations. We have a varied fleet of vehicles to cater to your requirements, all available at competitive prices, and our experienced and qualified staff are always on hand to answer any questions that you may have.
Based in the stunning surroundings of Oldbury, Birmingham, LP Transport are road haulage specialists who specialise in providing services that other companies may not. Priding ourselves upon being situated in the heart of the Midlands motorways, we are ideally placed for providing both general and specialist road haulage services to all of our clients from Scotland to Plymouth and beyond.
L P Transport Ltd
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